Absolute Injury and Pain Physicians partners with Cracker Barrel in the latter’s second annual Sista Strut event.
Sista Strut is “the largest walk of its kind in the city.” It aims to raise awareness of the increasing risk of breast cancer among African American women—an event that started started in Detroit 17 years ago.
The 3k walk takes off from the Jacksonvile Landing in downtown Jacksonville.
The radio mogul iHeartMedia has launched Sista Strut in “Milwaukee, St. Louis, Memphis, Nashville, and now, in New Orleans and Jacksonville.”
Sista Strut also aims to:
“…Provide information on community resources. Studies show that African American women are more likely to get breast cancer at a younger age and have a death rate from breast cancer higher than that of Caucasian women of the same age. Sista Strut recognizes the strength of survivors, their family and friends, heightens awareness, promotes early detection and the search for a cure.
- African American women in the US have a 41% higher death rate from breast cancer than white women.
- African American women are more likely than white women to be diagnosed with breast cancer before age 40 and are more likely to be diagnosed with larger tumors.
- Awareness of these issues will help survival rates with earlier diagnoses.”
Registration to Sista Strut is still open through September 23, 2017. Registration fee is $25 per individual or $30/team (2+ members). This fee covers a Sista Strut T-shirt (Individual & Team). A team can consists of 2+ people (no minimum or maximum). Part of the proceeds will go towards the Sister’s Network of North East Florida.
More info: http://www.jacksonvillelanding.com/event/sista-strut/
Register here: https://racesonline.com/events/sista-strut-jacksonville