Multiple Locations in Jacksonville, St. Augustine, & Fernandina Beach, FL

Author: Dr. Long Van

carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Pain in your wrist, tingling in your hand, weakness in your grip? All signs of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). In an article from the American Family Physician, carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common entrapment neuropathy, affecting approximately 3 to 6 percent of adults in the general population. And according to the American Chiropractic Association,…
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headacheheadache and chiropractic

Headache, Neck Pain, and Chiropractic

A headache can be a pain in the neck, literally! Studies have shown that individuals with disabling neck pain are 10 times more likely to suffer from headaches than those without. Dr. Long VanLong Van, D.C. joined the team at Absolute Injury and Pain Physicians in 2008. He has experience in helping the human body…
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Therabands for Muscle Strength and Pain Relief

For the best results to relieve a person from back, muscle and joint pain, a patient must be active in the healing process. This not only means seeking chiropractic care but in many cases by including and following through on certain exercises prescribed by the caregiver. Often, the use of therabands can be very effective…
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Oh, the pain of it all. Sciatica, sciatica, a pain by any other name. . . Sciatica gets its name from the fact that the pain you feel radiates through the sciatic nerve. It can shoot through your hips, buttocks and down your leg. It can be debilitating. Sciatica is a major disease problem not…
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pain in the neck

Pain in the Neck

Pain in the neck is a common medical condition that comes from numerous illnesses and injuries from accidents. Fortunately, most of the time it can be cured immediately. Dr. Long VanLong Van, D.C. joined the team at Absolute Injury and Pain Physicians in 2008. He has experience in helping the human body function properly through…
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nerve compression carpal tunnel syndrome

Understanding Nerve Compression

Having nerve conditions such as nerve compression can alter our entire body function. It is important that we educate ourselves on these conditions in order to understand why it is necessary to seek immediate remedy before it gets worse. Dr. Long VanLong Van, D.C. joined the team at Absolute Injury and Pain Physicians in 2008.…
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reflex test

Understanding the Reflex Test

When people go for check-ups, doctors usually use a tool to see how patients\’ reflexes respond to that tool. This is called the reflex test. Dr. Long VanLong Van, D.C. joined the team at Absolute Injury and Pain Physicians in 2008. He has experience in helping the human body function properly through the natural approach,…
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The Dangers of Self-Diagnosing

In today’s world, internet access is easily accessible so much so that self-diagnosing has become a common, if maybe a life-threatening practice. You just type in a symptom and websites pop up showing various diagnoses, and one chooses the one that best describes their situation. Dr. Long VanLong Van, D.C. joined the team at Absolute…
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Medical Imaging

Types of Medical Imaging

by Dr. Long Van One of the things patients may undergo is have some kind of “imaging” done on their bodies. These imaging tools help doctors scrutinize details of the ailing part of the body that are not visible to the naked eye, and pinpoint very specific areas of disease and treatment. Dr. Long VanLong…
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Sprains and Strains

Sprain or Strain?

by Dr. Long Van Sprain or strain? We all have heard our friends and family or ourselves say at one time or another, “I strained my leg,” or “I sprained my ankle.” Here are tips on how to tell if it’s a sprain or a strain, and what to do if you have one or…
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