Pain in your wrist, tingling in your hand, weakness in your grip? All signs of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). In an article from the American Family Physician, carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common entrapment neuropathy, affecting approximately 3 to 6 percent of adults in the general population. And according to the American Chiropractic Association, CTS shows up in adults, appearing three times more often in women.
The carpal tunnel is actually a tunnel and when the traffic that is meant to flow easily through that tunnel is compromised, then the problem begins. And like any trouble at a tunnel, if it isn’t taken care of early it only gets worse. Carpal tunnel syndrome is brought on when the median nerve in the wrist is squeezed or compressed. The actual nerve starts in the neck and travels all the way down the arms and into the hands. When a traffic jam through the tunnel occurs, it brings on pain, numbness, and tingling which affects your hand, wrist and arm. CTS can be brought on by numerous sources such as repetitive use of vibrating hand tools, constant keyboard use, assembly line work , diabetes, wrist injuries and more.
Early detection and treatment can prevent carpel tunnel syndrome from getting worse or from returning. Your chiropractor can diagnose and treat the problem. A study done by the Department of Chiropractic Principles and Practice, Cleveland Chiropractic College and Clinic, showed that chiropractic manipulation of the spine, elbow and wrist brought the patients a significant increase in grip strength and normalization of motor and sensory latencies, causing symptoms to dissipate.
Also as a part of your treatment your chiropractor may also suggest massage, various exercises and the use of ice packs along with spinal manipulation. So if you are experiencing tingling, numbness or pain or weakness in your fingers or hands make sure to have it checked by your chiropractor. Hands down you will be glad you did.
Your Chiropractor Can Help with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, The Joint; last accessed 2/12/2021
\”Carpal Tunnel Syndrome\” by Kim Edward LeBlanc, MD, PhD, and Wayne Cestia, MD, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, Louisiana; Am Fam Physician. 2011 Apr 15; last accessed 2/12/2021
\”How a Chiropractor Can Help Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome\” by Dr. Ryan Meehan, Medina Sports and Family Chiropractic; last accessed 2/12/2021
\”Chiropractic Management of Work-related Upper Limb Disorder Complicated By Intraosseous Ganglion Cysts: A Case Report\” by Glenn J. Crafts, DC, QME, Gregory J. Snow, DC, CCSP, Kim Hong Ngoc, Vo, DC; Journal of Chiropractic Medicine 2011 (Sep); 10 (3): 166–172
\”Chiropractic Manipulation in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome\” by Valente R, Gibson H; J Manipulative Physiol Ther 1994 (May); 17 (4): 246–249
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Long Van, D.C. joined the team at Absolute Injury and Pain Physicians in 2008. He has experience in helping the human body function properly through the natural approach, and enjoys reading up on new information concerning medical conditions and associated treatments available.