by Deric D’Agostino, D.C.
A healthy body is a well-exercised body, well-fed with water and all the right food, and none of the stress.
When you look at a forest there is a certain amount of dead and decaying matter that builds up over time on the forest floor. As this dead fall builds up, all that is needed for a raging forest fire is a tiny spark. Whether it is from a camp fire spark or a lightning strike, once it hits a pile of dry material the whole forest goes up in flames. The flames rage until essentially all the dead material is gone. Days, weeks and months later, new plant growth begins to thrive again.
Try and think of our bodies in a similar way. We pollute our bodies with bad food, stress, dehydration, lack of exercise, lack of deep breathing, and poor posture. We then get a spark like a flu strain or other bacteria or viruses and swoosh—we have a raging illness!
I think of this process as cleaning out our systems—sweeping the forest floor if you will. We let so much undergrowth build up inside of us that the natural progression is to spark an illness to clean it out.
I couldn’t help but notice the amount of people that were dropping like flies this past month. The flu was everywhere. People who had the flu in December still have lingering coughs or worse, it turned into bronchitis or pneumonia. The hospitals have been full of patients who were brought down by this illness. It doesn’t matter if they had the “flu shot” or not.
I also noticed that people would say “so and so gave me the flu.” In reality, “so and so” was only the spark that ignited a system that was overrun with dead dry material. The body became polluted to the point that it needed to be cleaned out.
The body is an amazing self-sustaining thing. Don’t forget that our bodies are water proof, they grow their own hair, take in food and turn it into cells. Our livers regenerate every 4-5 months, skin every 3 weeks, taste buds around 10 days. All we need to do is keep our systems clean—do controlled burns so the system fixes itself. How?
Eat a healthy plant-based diet. It will give you all the nutrition you could ever want plus protein, carbs and fats.
Drink about half of your weight in ounces of water every day. Keep the water system clean.
Move, exercise, sweat. Keep the posture that we as human beings are actually designed to have. Not the cell phone posture we commonly see today.
Delete stress. And if you are red-lining with stress every day well your body will respond like a car that is red-lined every time you drive it—its engine will blow.
Do the right things for your body and your body will do the rest.
Related article: Plant-Based Diet: Key to Healthy by Dr. Deric D’Agostino

Deric D’Agostino, D.C. specializes in Koren Specific Technique and in the treatment of injuries resulting from motor vehicle accidents. He is a master of his craft and firmly believes that chiropractic treatment can not only help the body but also the mind. His sense of humor and the personal attention that he provides really puts patients at ease.