by Deric D’Agostino, D.C.
Imagine YOUR house is engulfed in flames.
Instinctively, you run into that burning house and promptly shut the fire alarm off. . .what happens? Go ahead, say it, we all know. . .That’s right YOUR HOUSE BURNS DOWN.
If you only take medications when you have menstrual cramps or constipation or erectile dysfunction to name ONLY a FEW of the myriad of symptoms we as mammals get. . .THAT is EXACTLY what you are doing: you are burning your house—your body—down.
If you only spend your time turning alarms off, things inside of you stop working.
Don’t be that guy! Get to the root of your health problems.
Symptoms are warnings sent by your brain to the rest of your body so you will find time to check your general health situation and look for the root of your health problems. Your brain is warning you to “fix” the communication gap between your nervous system and the body part. Remember, all bodily functions are managed by the brain through the nervous system, which works via the spinal cord, which is housed within the spine.
Long story short: don’t just take meds, check your spine!
Deric D’Agostino, D.C. specializes in Koren Specific Technique and in the treatment of injuries resulting from motor vehicle accidents. He is a master of his craft and firmly believes that chiropractic treatment can not only help the body but also the mind. His sense of humor and the personal attention that he provides really puts patients at ease.